Senin, 07 Mei 2012

Flexi Multiradio Guideline Comisioning

Nokia UltraSite WCDMA BTS Supreme Indoor

NSN Ultra Site EDGE BTS is available in the following three  cabinet types:
3.Midi Indoor(Only two sector)
Before starting installation you should verify all the required  hardware part according to the given configuration and according  to the method of installation e.g. indoor or outdoor. Once you  satisfy that all the required hardware part is received you can start  installation.
Installation Process:
Nokia Ultra Site EDGE BTS Indoor and Nokia Ultra Site EDGE  BTS Outdoor cabinets can house up to 12 GSM/EDGE  Transceiver units (TRXs), or up to 6 GSM/EDGE TRXs and 3  WCDMA Transmitter and Receiver units, or the cabinets can be  configured to hold up to 6 GSM/EDGE TRXs and an integrated
battery backup system.
The optional integrated battery backup will support up to 18  GSM/EDGE TRXs, over two cabinets. Additionally, Nokia Ultra   Site EDGE BTS Mini Indoor, a 1-6 TRX BTS, is available.  Nokia Ultra Site EDGE BTS is available for GSM 900, GSM
1800, and GSM 1900, or as a GSM 900/GSM 1800 Dual Band
base station.

Triple-mode Nokia UltraSite EDGE BTS is a compact high capacity basestation for multiple standards. Combinations of GSM, EDGE and CDMAconfigurations can exist in the same cabinet. Nokia UltraSite EDGE BTSsupports GSM/EDGE on 800, 900, 1800 and 1900 MHz frequency bandsand it also has capability for 900/1800, 800/1800 and 800/1900 dualbands. Nokia UltraSite EDGE BTS supports sectored and omni-configurations.
470225A AC Power Line Filter for UltraSite EDGE  Indoor
468755A AC Power Line Filter for UltraSite EDGE  Indoor
467869A Transceiver Baseband Unit for UltraSite Indoor
468131A Transceiver Baseband Unit for UltraSite EDGE  Indoor
469643A Transceiver Baseband Unit for UltraSite EDGE  Indoor
467868A Base Operation & Interface Unit for UltraSite EDGE  Indoor
467851A Cabinet UltraSite EDGE  Indoor
468126A Cabinet UltraSite Midi EDGE  Indoor
468619A Dual Duplex Unit (GSM 1800) for UltraSite EDGE  Indoor
468216A Dual Duplex Unit(GSM 900) for UltraSite EDGE  Indoor
469725A ID Cabinet UltraSite EDGE  Indoor
470263A ID Cabinet UltraSite Midi EDGE  Indoor
468532A 2-way Receiver Multicoupler Unit (GSM 1800) for UltraSite EDGE  Indoor
468530A 2-way Receiver Multicoupler Unit (GSM 900) for UltraSite EDGE  Indoor
468533A 6-way Receiver Multicoupler Unit (GSM 1800) for UltraSite EDGE  Indoor
468531A 6-way Receiver Multicoupler Unit (GSM 900) for UltraSite EDGE  Indoor
467865A AC Power Supply Unit for UltraSite EDGE  Indoor
467866A DC Power Supply Unit for UltraSite EDGE  Indoor
467828A GSM 1800 Transceiver for UltraSite Indoor
469089A GSM 1800 Transceiver for UltraSite Indoor
467800A GSM 900 Transceiver for UltraSite EDGE  Indoor
468704A GSM 900 Transceiver for UltraSite EDGE  Indoor
468721A Dual Duplex Unit (GSM 1800) for UltraSite EDGE  Indoor
467611A Trammission Unit  for MetroSite & UltraSite EDGE  Indoor
467834A Wideband Combiner Unit (GSM 1800) for UltraSite EDGE  Indoor
467833A Wideband Combiner Unit (GSM 900) for UltraSite EDGE  Indoor
470327A TRIPLE WIDEBAND COMBINER GSM900 for UltraSite EDGE  Indoor